Interview: Apodictia
What do black metal, Finland, weightlifting, and prose have in common? Well, the mind behind Apodictia is one such common denominator. The Finnish artist is quite an enigmatic character, as you will see here.
Interview: Rutile
I heard Rutile’s first release titled Virtuous Season shortly after its release. Despite the black metal influences, there is quite a bit of post-black/blackgaze mixed in to the three-song EP, slowing the pace with a serenity and beauty.
Interview: Podvizhnik
Have you ever listened to a black metal band and thought, “This would be so much better without the vocals?” Well, Podvizhnik has provided such a beautiful outlet for metalheads who sometimes want music sans vox.
Interview: Troparion
Following their Summer 2023 release Synaxis of the Frostbitten, Troparion has received attention for their ability to make brutal and uplifting black metal that is balm for a weary soul. Black metal is evolving. We’re here for it and so is Troparion.
Interview: Eternal Gaze
It’s really hard to label Eternal Gaze in a one-dimensional sense. There are so many different stylistic approaches in this album that you simply have to stop guessing and just enjoy the experience.
Interview: Trébuchet SDG
Trébuchet SDG is quite possibly the best black metal artist to arrive in 2023. Bold a statement as it may be, it very well may be true. The music is well-crafted, beautiful, and quite harsh all in unison. That is simply black metal done right.
Interview: Symphony of Heaven
Blackened death metal band Symphony of Heaven has a masterful craftsmanship of melody and heaviness – a perfect balance that is rarely executed with such precision. We caught up with the guys to talk all things SoH.
Interview: Kärv
It seems as if there is an influx of newcomers to the underground black metal scene, specifically when it comes to quality artists. One such artist is Kärv out of Sweden, a raw black metal outfit that has hit the ground running at a rabid pace.
Interview: A Hill To Die Upon
You say black metal, I say blackened death metal. Regardless of what side of the subgenre aisle you find yourself after listening to A Hill To Die Upon, anyone with ears to hear cannot deny the musical genius that the band embodies.
Interview: Labyrinthus Stellarum
Labyrinthus Stellarum is a science fiction infused black metal act out of Ukraine. Their blend of electronic music fused with atmospheric black metal is both magical and other-worldy, taking the listener to a new realm.
Interview: Black Birch
Black Birch out of Sweden is a project that came onto the scene in January of this year. Their brand of post-black metal blends elements of both heartbreak and hopefulness in a distinct and mysterious way.
Interview: Vials of Wrath
Arguably one of the most compelling atmospheric black metal acts around is Vials of Wrath, an artist who captures themes about nature, faith, and eternity within the confines of melodic metal.
Interview: Vårgrike
‘A Vereségben’, the most recent album from the haunting black metal act Vårgrike, is an album that embodies the chilling pain and the heaviness of loss that we all face at varying times of life.
Interview: Abstract Void
As genres evolve, you never know what new concepts will come around. Blackwave is the offspring of two genres you never thought would collide. We caught up with Abstract Void to go deeper into the world of blackwave.
Interview: Skald In Veum
Sweden and black metal go together like peanut butter and jelly, so it’s no surprise that Skald In Veum brings a natural, organic approach to their music. Blacforje had the pleasure of connecting with the band about their music and the future plans.
Interview: Jernlov
Out of the haunts of Norway has arisen a band known as Jernlov, a black metal outfit that defies the genre’s stereotypes. We had the honor of speaking with them about their latest album ‘Resurrection’ and what drives their creative exploration.
Interview: Grot
Similar to ‘Hymns of the Woodlands’, ‘Beneath the Waves of Eternity’ brings an intensity to its portrayal of beauty, nature, and the eternal. Blacforje had the honor of asking Grot about their music and the vision behind the artist’s work.
Interview: Autrest
Autrest is a new project, with ‘Follow The Cold Path’ being the first full-length release from the artist thus far. Blacforje had the pleasure of asking Autrest some questions about their ethos, what inspires their music, and what lies ahead.
Interview: Marble Tomb
There have been some quality artists arising in black metal, one of which is Marble Tomb. With the release of their 2022 debut album, Marble Tomb quickly caught the ears of eager listeners looking for fury and an unrelenting attack sonically.
Interview: Withered Land
Withered Land is not metal without a spine, nor is it music without direction. Olga is an artist who endeavors to create in multiple formats. Through those expressions, we see the heart behind the artist in all of its joys and sufferings.