Interview: Jernlov

Photo by Jernlov

Out of the haunts of Norway has arisen a fantastic band known as Jernlov, a black metal outfit that defies the genre’s stereotypes. Hailing from the motherland of black metal, Jernlov proclaims their faith in Jesus Christ while destroying the sound waves simultaneously. Regardless of the listener’s worldview, whether religious or not, everyone with any interest in quality metal, especially black metal, can find solace in this record.

In their latest album titled Resurrection, Jernlov collaborated with numerous vocalists in creating a masterpiece of brutal metal. This being their second release, Resurrection is weighty, contemplative, and aggressive. There’s no holding back in this album, which stems from their own personal experiences that have brought about heartache and pain.

Blacforje had the honor of connecting with Jernlov to discuss the new album and what drives their musical exploration.

Hey guys! Thanks for joining Blacforje to talk about Jernlov as an entity, as well as your upcoming album release! You guys are based in Norway, right? What part?

Hello and thank you for the opportunity to do this interview. Yes, that's right, me and Zuriel come from Norway, more precisely from the west coast of Norway.

Your upcoming album titled Resurrection was released on June the 23rd. This is your second album as a band. Congrats on getting to this stage of the release, as I know it takes a lot of effort to put together an album! Tell us a little bit about the album sonically as well as lyrically. What is it about? How would you describe the music?

Thank you for that. Yes, that’s right, and it's album number two. There are many puzzle pieces that need to be put in place to make an album. As a musician, you always strive to make music that you think is of better quality than previously recordings. Jernlov is a project that is perhaps of the darker variety when it comes to lyrics and music. The lyrics that my wife and I have written are about trials in life, and how God has accompanied us through it all. My oldest daughter died in February this year after a long period of illness. She passed away a week before her 10th birthday. The music this time is a mix of three of my favourite genres within metal. Black, death, and thrash metal.

‘Resurrection’ by Jernlov

In reference to Resurrection, according to your label Nordic Mission’s Bandcamp page, “The guest list on Resurrection is both long and interesting, featuring among others Ronny Hanielsen from Luteøks and Antestor, Claudio Enzler from Sacrificium and Eero Tertsunen from Renascent.” That is a fantastic guest list! How did you come about getting all of those guys to contribute to the album?

Yes, we are proud to be able to work with so many talented artists, both on the Crucified and Resurrection album. The idea probably came when I had started recording the Crucified album, and I discovered that I could not do the vocals myself. I asked around a bit if anyone would like to do the vocals on the whole album, but as a newly started band it was difficult to find someone who could do that amount of work. So then the idea came up that it could be easier to ask someone to do one or two songs instead, and that worked out so well that I thought that I would like to continue with this concept. Everyone who has participated on these two albums are talented vocalists, and it has been a pleasure to work with all of them. Jernlov would not exist without the ones who has helped me with vocals, solo guitar, bass, lyrics, and various other things. We are actually only two members in the band, so we would not be able to create this without all our good helpers. A big thank you to all of you!

As a band that is unashamedly formed of Christians, how do you feel as far as any reception by the black metal community in Norway? Being very much the homeland to the niche subgenre, it has to have its blessings and its difficulties being outspoken about your faith. Any lessons learned in the process?

I have not been a Christian all my life. My career as a metalhead started when I was seven or eight years old and I heard bands like Alice Cooper, AC/DC, WASP and Iron Maiden for the first time. I knew straight away that this was the music of my life!

Through my life I have had many experiences that have formed me, and I became a Christian as an adult. When I became a Christian it made it difficult for me to listen to the most extreme non-Christian bands. But I still liked the music, so I decided to make my own that had a message I could stand for.

I've met so many great people through music, and it's fantastic to be able to meet and experience our favourite bands together on festivals and concerts. Metal applies to both Christians and non-Christians, and the people usually are great regardless of which side they belong to. Of course, I find it difficult to follow and listen to the message of certain metal bands, but that's how it is for some of my friends when they hear Jernlov too, so it's fine. Not everyone think it's okay to have a Christian message in metal, and it must be perfectly fine to think that. But I think it works, and I`m proud of our music!

Photo by Jernlov

What bands and artists have influenced Jernlov musically?

Jernlov is inspired by many different types of rock and metal. The music does not only draw inspiration from black metal bands. I would say that our music is inspired from bands like WASP, Judas Priest and Alice Cooper to Limbonic Art, Gehenna, Obtained Enslavement, and of course the first releases from Immortal, Satyricon and Arcturus, just to name a few.

Do you plan on playing live in Norway and anywhere else once the album is released?

If it is possible to find someone who would like to play live with Jernlov, they are welcome to get in touch. Where I live, it is difficult to find others who want or have the opportunity to participate. But if the opportunity comes, I would like to make an attempt!

Any plans to release vinyl of Resurrection for purchase In Europe and North America?

Yes, Nordic Mission has started a crowdfunding campaign for a vinyl release. There are several alternatives you can choose from. Since I started to make music I've had a dream to release vinyl, as it's my favourite format! I hope the dream can come true!

Last question: are they guys at Nordic Mission as cool in-person as they are online? Or is that just a big front?

Haha! Yes, of course, the guys in Nordic Mission are just as cool as they seem! I have good experiences working with Nordic Mission, and I am happy to be signed by them!

You can follow Jernlov on Bandcamp (Nordic Mission), Instagram, and Facebook.





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