Interview: Autrest

Photographer: Marcelo Barela

The first time I listened to Follow The Cold Path by Autrest, I was hooked, particularly given my love affair with atmospheric black metal and blackgaze. This album checks all the boxes for an epic journey of enigma, melody, harsh undertones, and beautiful fantasy. The album artwork (artist: Giovanni Vale) is about as fitting to the music as any can be, escorting the listener and viewer into a wintery journey of nature, calm, and mystery.

Autrest is a new project, with Follow The Cold Path being the first full-length release from the artist thus far. For any listener without that knowledge, you would expect this to be a veteran act with years of musical experimentation. Instead, a new legend is born, which is so incredibly refreshing to discover.

Blacforje had the pleasure of asking Autrest some questions to better get to know the artist, their ethos, what inspires their music, and what lies ahead.

Thanks for joining Blacforje for an interview! You live in Brazil, right?

Thank you for having me. Yes, I am from the mountainous region of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.

You just released your first full-length album titled Follow The Cold Path. After listening to it multiple times, I have to say that it is one of the best atmospheric black metal albums I’ve heard in a long, long time. For being your first record, it makes me wonder: have you been a black metal composer before Autrest?

Thank you for your kind words about Follow The Cold Path. This is actually my second project within the black metal genre, but my first under the name Autrest. I've been experimenting with various genres and playing different instruments for a while, and black metal just felt like the perfect way to express the sound and atmosphere that I was going for with Autrest. I'm glad that you're enjoying the album, and I hope that it continues to resonate with listeners.

What was the inspiration for Follow The Cold Path? How did you come about writing this record?

As for the inspiration for Follow The Cold Path, it really came from nature. I wanted to create an immersive experience for the listener, to transport them to the world of misty forests and icy peaks that I find so inspiring. Each song tells a different story, a different journey through this world.

Cover Painting: Giovanni Vale

Do you feel that listeners have connected with the album so far? What I’ve personally seen on social media indicates that people really like it.

I have been overwhelmed by the positive response to the album so far. It's amazing to see people connecting with the music in the way that I had hoped they would. It makes all the hard work and long hours I put into creating this album feel worth it.

It’s a hard question, but what artists and bands have influenced your work with Autrest?

There are many artists and bands that have influenced my work with Autrest. Some of the biggest influences for me include bands such as Can Bardd, Saor, Caladan Brood, Elderwind, and Eldamar. I'm also very drawn to the shoegaze and blackgaze subgenres, which have heavily influenced my approach to songwriting and creating a dreamy, atmospheric sound. I try to take inspiration from a wide range of sources, both within and outside of the metal genre, to create a unique and immersive listening experience.

Being that you’re a one-man band, do you think you’ll ever get some musicians together to play live, or is this something you’re going to keep strictly as a recording project?

I have been exploring the idea of potentially incorporating additional musicians into Autrest for live performances. At this point, it's still something that I'm considering for the future. If I were to add members, I would want to make sure that they shared my vision for the music and could help bring the same atmosphere and energy to the live shows as I do with my recordings. For now though, Autrest will remain a recording project while I continue to explore the possibilities for live performances.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person on an individual level (not necessarily with regard to Autrest)? Do you have a personal ethos that you live by? I love to ask this question, as it gives us a glimpse deeper into the person behind the music.

While I can certainly appreciate the beauty and mystery of spirituality, I wouldn't consider myself a particularly spiritual person. That being said, I do have a strong personal ethos that I try to live by. I believe in being true to oneself and staying grounded in the present moment. I try to approach everything I do, both in my personal life and in my music, with authenticity and integrity. For me, it's important to be open-minded, curious, and always striving to learn and grow as a person and an artist.

Last question: any chance Follow The Cold Path will be pressed on vinyl in the U.S.? This is a record I would love to own.

Yes, I'm excited to confirm that Follow The Cold Path will indeed be released on vinyl in the near future! It's always great to hear that people are interested in owning physical copies of my music, and I'm looking forward to seeing the album in this format. Thank you for your support and for your interest in Autrest and thank you again for having me, Blacforje. It's been a pleasure.

You can follow Autrest on Bandcamp, Instagram, and Facebook.




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