‘The Impending Fall of The Stars’ by Inherits The Void
Hailing from Clermont Ferrand, France, Inherits The Void is a fascinating atmospheric black metal project that is due way more repute than gained thus far. In fact, we were able to interview the artist after stumbling upon their latest release. Three albums in, they have proven to be a masterful artist in creating both melodic and intense black metal without sacrificing any of the atmosphere that makes it so beautiful.
Their third album The Impending Fall of The Stars is a masterpiece in every way. The album starts with fury with “The Impending Fall of The Stars”, followed by the ominous “Palingenesis”. There is an intensity to the music that somehow, mysteriously leaves the listener feeling a gentle wave of contemplation. It’s music that draws on the emotions and the mind in a way that inspires, challenges, and leaves a lasting impression. Guitar heavy, there is a layered approach to the music that leaves no gaps where some black metal feels hollow.
‘The Impending Fall of The Stars’ by Inherits The Void
Quite possibly the most compelling track on the entire record is “Where the Oceans Lost Their Light”. Despite the driving nature of the song, there is a depth to it that seems to be screaming from the innermost chambers of the soul. If there was a cry for hope in this album, this song very much embraces the moment. Even the layered approach to the music with multiple guitars and the vocals embodies the concept of “depth” that reflects the atmosphere. Pace changes throughout, as well, as if the song needs a moment to catch its breath before another breakdown.
The final track titled “Oracle of a Forgotten Grief” wraps the album up with a beautiful electronic-infused instrumental ending, reminding you more of darkwave than black metal. It’s an unassuming, gentle way to conclude the album that has wrought such emotion throughout.
Inherits The Void is one of the best acts many people have yet to discover in the world of atmospheric black metal. As the artist continues to evolve and release new music, we can only hope to be gifted with more records like The Impending Fall of The Stars.
You can follow Inherits The Void on Bandcamp, Instagram, and Facebook.