Interview: Dawnbreaker
Photo by Bas Schipper
From New Jersey to the Netherlands and back, Dawnbreaker is a black metal act that has been consistently dropping new releases (4 full-length albums in total) since 2018. With Banisher of Unlight, their 5th album set for release on May 17th of this year, it will make 5 albums in 6 years. Not only is the output crazy, but the quality is not compromised. It’s deep, powerful black metal with passion and fury.
My first exposure to the artist, I believe, was in 2020. The album Vanquished Horrible Night was the latest release at the time, and I was impressed by the artist’s ability to create music that was both melodic and smashing. With an upcoming release in less than a month, anticipation is high for what is to come from the artist.
We connected with Tomrair, the artist behind Dawnbreaker, to talk about their past, their future, and who they are beyond the music.
It’s such an honor having you join us for an interview! I’ve been a listener to your music the past couple years, and I truly appreciate your work. Now, you’re in the Netherlands, right?
Actually, the European adventure is over. I now reside in the Jersey Shore (New Jersey USA), the land I grew up in. I'm very happy to be back.
You recently announced the upcoming release of your 5th album, Banisher of Unlight, set for May 17. This is great news as a fan of your music! What can you tell us about the album, both sonically and thematically? What can we expect?
It's incredibly dark, lyrically and musically. Angrier and more tormented even. It's been a rough few years since the last one, both in my personal life and the world in general. This album reflects that.
Photo by Erwin Jonkman
How would you say this album differs from your previous releases, if at all?
This is a more melodic and darker album than the others. In the distant past (over 10 years ago), I was most known for playing a style of black metal similar to Dissection, Naglfar, Dawn, and Sacramentum. I had moved on from this sound before starting Dawnbreaker, so I wanted to do a Dawnbreaker album in that style, which is more or less the core sound in this album. However, the symphonic keyboards and heavy death metal influence of the last few albums has been retained.
Do you have plans on releasing the album on cassette, vinyl, and/or any other formats? Any new t-shirts in the works?
Only CD for now. I can't comment on any other mediums or merchandise at this time. That's up to the label, Vision of God Records.
I’ve spoken with you before for HM Magazine, but we haven’t talked here for the Blacforje readers. So, in a brief summary, can you tell us about your faith and worldview, as well as how they influence your work as an artist and you as an individual?
I grew up a believing and practicing Roman Catholic. In my mid-teens I left the church and became antagonistic towards Christianity. I spent somewhere around 15 years playing in death and black metal bands in the New Jersey/New York City area with varying degrees of success. Around 2014, I became a Christian again, and in 2017 I left my secular bands and started Dawnbreaker. I spent some years in the Protestant church, entertaining different ideas, but I ended up returning to Catholicism, and in many ways was always a Catholic.
I have an extremely pessimistic worldview. I assume the worst in people and live with an understanding that everything can collapse at any moment. It's happened to me many times. I see the world as a fallen and broken place, and Western civilization as doomed and ill-fated. However I'm at peace with all of this. I trust God wholeheartedly, regardless of circumstance, and have incredible hope for the Church, both in this world and the next. I'm happy to be a part of this crazy story and look forward to what's to come.
As far as influence, I see Dawnbreaker albums as an act of contrition for the offenses I've committed in my secular music career. That's the main drive for the project existing and continuing.
What do you enjoy doing outside of music? Do you have other passions?
I love to swim, although I'm not very fast or good. I see it as a great and fun way to maintain good cardiovascular health as I age. I'm a huge fan of retro gaming, especially 3rd-6th generation Nintendo. I love reading theological books, although I've scaled back my reading the last few years. I'm deeply embedded in right wing politics. I have been spending a lot of time at the gym lately.
Last but not least, my fun last question. Do you think you’ll ever do a dungeon synth project called Nightbreaker? It only makes sense.
Hah! I have always wanted to do a dark ambient album, in the spirit of how Burzum and Leviathan released them sometimes. I guess "dungeon synth" is the new "dark ambient", as the latter is a very 2000's term. Anyways, there might be a dungeon synth Dawnbreaker album someday if I get a computer with good programs again. The Sorrowful Mysteries.